Recycle + Refill

Reduce the waste
At Slow Made, we are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment. That's why we offer a jar refill and recycle program to help reduce waste. Simply bring your used candle jars to our studio or mail them in, and you'll receive either a shop credit or the option to refill them at a discounted price. By participating in our program, you can join us in our efforts to reduce waste and promote sustainability.
Ways to reduce with Slow Made
How to clean
Cleaning out your Slow Made amber glass jar is pretty simple, we find this method works really well:
01. Boil water in a kettle around 215°
02. On a heat safe surface, pour the boiling water into candle jar filling to the top and cover with lid.
03. Keep candles in a safe place while they cool.
04. After the candle has cooled, open the lid. You will find all the wax has formed at the top. Take your fingers or a spoon to push on the wax to break it up. Pull out the chucks of wax and throw away into the trash (or better yet - save to recycle and make fire starters or a patio candle).
05. Pour the water through a strainer to catch any debris and wax pieces, and throw in the trash, NOT the sink (unless you enjoy unclogging drains, of course).
06. Remove wick tabs. The tip of a butter knife works well to loosen them.
07. Clean out the jar with hot soapy water and wipe out.
08. To remove the labels just soak in water to loosen.
09. Now repurpose, recycle, or bring back to us to be made into another candle.